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"Приготовься к сретению Бога твоего" Амос 4:12
"Prepare to meet thy God... Amos 4:13

These words are not only the scripture on our stage for decoration, but the main theme and mission of our church. Our church's main goal is to prepare people to meet thy God. That includes the daily church attendees to have a prepared heart and be ready to meet Jesus at any time of the life. To help prepare them, our church offers food for their souls to be nourished through sermons, testimonies, praise and worship and close conversation with our Savior through prayer. This scripture is also for the newcomers and converts to testify that they need to prepare their life and their path with Jesus Christ. In general these scripture is a large warning sign hanging on the wall, signaling constantly and testifying louder than sermons to "BE READY!"

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